18 Şubat 2016 Perşembe


Mysticism, Sufism, asceticism with a public statement (Arabic: صوفية sufiyy A) (Persian: تصوف mysticism) (Persian: صوفیگری sūfīgarī), is described as an internal or mystical face of Islam.

Sufi Muhammad word roots during upper thick clothing worn by shepherds made from the hair of goats and other animals are said to come from cloaks. This view is described in the prophet's time for a chat and never miss the prophet of Islam all religious descriptions of the times describes a very poor Bedouin to join the group. They are unable to work or participate in the chat and talk to members of other religions for reasons told they're forced to speak about the prophet of Islam. They also commit themselves to live as fully physical Islam and religion has attracted the attention of the public. Due to the high thick clothes they wear, the salient features of the goats suffer the People (Ashab al-Suffa) as they became known. Indeed, the Arabic language clothing that they wear or suffer the mAktAymIş known as SoFFin. However, according to this view because of an open gazebo-like structure around his chat in the garden of the Islamic prophet it is also said to be derived from the word mysticism. Because this structure is referred to as mAktAymIş or suffer the SoFFin. Under this wording "mysticism" wording is called here may be the only basis in the spiritual sense of the word Koran I "live revised version, the Quran's full faith and live it" [1] is described. [2]

The Sufi mysticism as they are claiming to be Islamic state in particular, mysticism, due to come from China-Hindu religion has also been claiming that Islam is completely different. According to some, it represents a higher stage of Sufism Shari'a. Sufis have tried to be a Sufi, dervish lodges were established madrasas. Sufiyân is also called dervishes trying to live life. Turkey occurred between Sufism West Turkestan. [3] The first Sufis were people with discovery, trowel property values ​​do not give, sometimes without even quit touring and they enlighten the people of the religious aspect where they go. Some of these early Sufis in the West Turkistan, they could have been making a name as a cult sect sheikhs because they did not pursue.
The origin of the word
which came as the Arabic root word Sufi is not fully known. According to the most widely accepted opinion:

In the sense of purification "Dawn", from the root,
Wool dress dress sense of "suf" root,
Some of the prophet words used to mean wool wear:

Anas bin Malik has said: "Even the Prophet invited to go to a slave, wore donkey rides and wool clothes." 
Abdullah bin was the Prophet said the following according to Masud narrated: "Allah, Moses cloak wool on the day he spoke with, were made of wool a baggy trousers and sleeves wool dress. Shoes also was the merkeb skin."
next to the Prophet's household residing in the room called to suffer, in terms of living like the poor who suffer the Companions of the Suffa may be derived from the root.
Religion, culture, teaching
Main article: Sufi metaphysics and Sufi music
Identification of the various mutasavvıflar Su®sm are made of different ways. According to one of these definitions, Sufism, to reach the divine truths and truths of the unseen realm of the human mind through the search path is the spiritual virtues. The goal is to perfect human-being. In other words, Sufism, according to Islamic beliefs, personality clear of bad habits, whether pagan spirit, maturity and expiration is the way to perfection. Sufism, which attributed to Prophet Muhammad with chain path, as a means to understand God by the Prophet successor is believed to be Saints and Sufis, "Get that public presentation of the Rights" was introduced as a way of religion jurisprudence, theology, including morality and mysticism advocates the belief that consists of four main core has emerged as the way of the Sufis.

Sufism, God, kill you and yours, is to make it self alive forever. (Junayd Baghdadi)
Sufis There are three qualifications. As the soil is also good, also it gives a bad one. Like cloud shadows everything. Like rain, dear also, bete noire of the water. (Harkûşî Malik bin Muhammad)
Sufism is the case, is not to mention the elusive promise. (Abdulkadir Gailani)
Sufism, the Prophet to follow the Sunnah of our Lord, more talk, more food and more sleep is to leave. (Alâüddevl to Semnânî Ala 'ad-Dawla As-Simnor NEW
Sufism is to leave all of the things that people away from God. (Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari)
before the necessary people to believe according to Ahl al-Sunnah, then to comply with sharia, to rise later towards mysticism. (Mohammad Baki-billah)
Sufism time, it will spend the most precious thing. (Abu Sa'id Abu'l-No)
Sufism consists of morality. In this regard, the higher morality than you, more than you're free. (Abu Bakr al-Kettânî)
Sufism: The universe is missing view, furthermore, that the missing assets in the unfettered by primary surveillance of all is to never lack. (Abu Amr ed-Damascene)
Mysticism; servant's always that moment for him to engage with what is the most appropriate. (Amr bin Osman al-Makki) [citation needed]
Sufism is the essence of the teachings of the Prophet. Source goes back to the first person, because the seeds are present in every human heart.  The Spirit of the bad habit of clean (pure) is the path to adoption. If true knowledge is knowing God. (Salahattin Ali Nader Angha)
Sufism is the way people discover itself. due to religious rules, dogma is not based on fact. Sufism "Who am I? Where I come from? And where do I go? "The person asking the question is the way they believe they will find answers to their questions through Sufism.
Sufism has two important dimensions:

Vertical size: Discovering my inner law, the original people to find the essence,
2. Horizontal size: to serve the people and worldly relations harmony, beauty and love set in size. 

According to some, mystic, Sufi happens when it reaches its destination.
The distinction between sects and Sufism; Sufism is a lifestyle, a different outlook on life. The sect originating in the Sufism are institutionalized patients. Relationship is like water with ice. Ice water was formed, but the solidified water is frozen state. A test ocean water analogy also explains the relationship between Sufism brotherhoods: the ocean water in the water to take the test to test the full scoop on how to protect the oceans feature? (Inayat Khan, Maulana)
Source and date

Sufism as the first example in the Hira cave retreat of the Islamic prophet is shown. Prophet in Sufism there that deal with training the soul stay away from the public, the truth of mystical companions, some people like Ali and Abu Bakr believed to pass from generation to generation, and that the prophets received from.

"Suffer the People, will stop in Medina locations, consisted of changing men over time the number of no one to take shelter. They lived together in cells around the Holy Mosque. Agriculture to do, there was no possibility to deal or trade with dairy animals. Carrying daytime wood and palm decimated the core grinding trying to feed themselves, while at night they would become busy reading worship and the Koran. is thought to be about them in the following verse: "" wishing the consent of their Lord morning and evening to pray to Him who fired over the poor. "[8] [9]" in the morning of evening their Lord wishing consent to pray to Him and be patient with people who worship together, look at the separation from them! "

the cult leader or guardian as well as the prophet's heir is considered to have followed this path.

The shape of the Doctrine
Doctrine has been shaped by leaders like Imam Ghazali and Kuseyri.
Shiite Sufism - esoteric influences; Although Sufism is relevant and known to be prone to Shiism Shiite some mystic, this phenomenon is not able to spread to the whole. New Platonism, Greek philosophy, Kabbalah, and in ancient times it was not formed yet also observed the Sufi movement of Iranian influence. Although the first of these mystics have left until we have to present the works, and there are only rumor to legend in life.

Hellenic effects; Judge after Tirmidhi through innovation brought by the Farabi has started to engage in mysticism.

From the 9th century Turkestan, Iran and North African Sufi views were widespread finding suitable environment. Bunda collapse occurred after the Mongol invasion and the socioeconomic status of the community have prompted a spiritual quest is a big factor. Bukhara, Samarkand and Fergana Valley, including cities such as Tashkent has produced many Sufis. Ahmed Yesevi, Abdulkadir Gailani as they ripen the great Sufi mysticism and religious structures in this region. In this context, especially the 10th largest contribution to the Sufism after century should be noted that the Persian and Turkmen Muslims. [Citation needed] Even Hallaj-i some Arab origin as Mansur Sufi therefore Turkestan and have been for a long time in Iran. At this point, it is clear the influence of Turks and Iranians mystic shaman of the pre-Islamic beliefs. Cultural interaction with the spread of Islam in India, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam took place in between.
Abdal Musa, Bayezid Bistami, Bishr the sleuth, Celaleddin Rumi, Junayd Baghdadi, Fudayl thousand Iyaz, Haci Bektas, Harith al-Muhasibî, Ibrahim Edhem, Imam-i-Ghazali, Mohiuddin Ibn Arabi, Shah-i Naqshbandi, Yunus Emre, the other great Sufis amongst them.

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