12 Mart 2017 Pazar

Lieutenant Doctor's Captivity

One day from the days of the nurse Hakim maidens, the road was cut off and harassed by the bridle. He takes a foreign city and sells it as a slave. The master gave him heavy work like making mud brick. Hakim, who did not complain about the difficulty of his job, worked harder. Over time his master, Hazret-i Lokman's; Compassionate, hardworking, and good-natured. He valued Hakim and became one of the people he loved.

In the end, the master learned that the village of Hazrat-i Lokman was a member of the community. The wealthy master who had received his reputation before he knew Lokman was saddened by the fact that he did not have such a curse. He apologized to the nephew Hakim. He gave himself many gifts and money to release. He said: "Why did not you introduce yourself before?" Sucker Hakîm said, "They did not know that they did wrong, they did evil. They did not know me. But it is persecution to take a free spouse. Without this Locksmith, he will be someone else without sin. The Almighty does not know the value of wisdom. But you bought me to take advantage of my power. In your city there was not a khatun that would take my rights. I knew that in the end, consensus was understood and that patience was superior to wisdom.

Despite everything, I worked, I worked here. I was alive, I lived here. I should have been good despite everything. I was fine here. It was my job to be heavy, to understand better the value of health and to treat slaves in my own city better. The fact that my food was not good, did not make much sense to the troubles of the frivolous and the poor.

I was a slave, but I was not guilty. I was in distress, but I received a sign and a hint. I never said a word to anyone. I did not show great praise for anyone to be hostile to me. I came to your city and was an unknown stranger. Right now, I have friends who will be happy to have me? The statue benefited from my presence. You took advantage of my power.

Recognize Lokman in the way you see it, not in the way it was claimed. Praise be to Allahu ta'ala'ya, so that you are satisfied with me. I am also happy to return to my hometown. If I had introduced myself on the first day, perhaps you would not believe and you would become more ashamed today; Yea, and ye shall believe in me, and you shall bear me of slavery. These favors would not come to fruition either. The rich man said, "O man of the sun as bright as the words, the words of the elite and the prophets!" - See more at: http://muhtesemhikayeler.blogspot.com.tr/2014/08/lokman-hekimin-esareti- Gunun-hikay.html # sthash.M9HwoZr8.dpuf

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