12 Mart 2017 Pazar

Your life is your choice!

Harun Reşit is the hostile enemy in the war Generale:

- I forgive your life, but I have a condition.
'What do women want most in life?' This is what I want to know.

Bring the answer to this question, he calls it caliber.

General inquirer The inquiry starts to search for the answer to this tough question and learns that a witch on the Kaf knows it.

Run for days and nights, find the witch and ask:

- What do women want the most in life?

The horrible witch suggests a condition for the response that it is not eaten cumin that is eaten.

-Marry me!

Then you can find out what you want ...

This accepts the deadly offer General and does not get the correct answer to run to Harun Reşit and:

- Women want to act with their own free will!

Harun Reşit forgave the General's life, but the witch also promised to marry.

Anyway they get married. The first night the General looks at the dark room, where the horrible witch has turned into a beautiful world of the world.

Speak witch:

- It's my destiny.

Only half of the day I can be beautiful, the other half says ugly.
What do you say? Is it nice to have a night with you, while you are out during the day?

The general thinks:
You know it's your decision.

At that moment the horrible witch will remain a beautiful woman forever ....

Well, what are three lessons to be drawn from this story?

1.Women want to act with their own free will.

2. A woman who acts with a free will is always beautiful.

3. Whether you are beautiful or ugly, every woman is actually a witch

Your life is the feminine you choose.
If you come across a tasteful woman,
If you come across a knowledgeable woman,
If you meet an intelligent woman, your intelligence will develop.

Life is a lot.
Like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, it rises in terraces and a terraced terrace leads you to women.

The terrace you are standing today, the landscape you are watching,
The life you see is the woman's terrace, the view and the life.

Your life is the feminine you choose. - See more at: http://muhtesemhikayeler.blogspot.com.tr/2013/07/hayatnz-sectiginiz-kadndr.html#sthash.xN6wj93z.dpuf

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