Faith (Arabic: إيمان) 'means etymologically to trust and believe sincerely. Qur'an means to rely on only one who Allah'av to his message. Overall a religious sense or meaning to connect the heart to the lifestyle.
faith in Islam
faith in Islam, such as relying on Allah and his messenger Muhammad accepted holy book the Qur'an describes a doubt, it is understood as thinking to believe otherwise. Islam is faith in the principles of the Koran. Faith is the first condition is as follows: "I have no god but Allah and I testify that I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger again."
Witness (martyrdom) to, you see an event. Event blind witness (witness) denilemez. According to Islam, God does not appear to understand the observations, but the environment as seen in her eye, can not be understood other god but Him. Here "According to what we heard" Or, "it is said that there is no god but Allah" can not be called. "I testify" is called. That event "I know with certainty to have seen with my own eyes" is called. To impose mind however reveal that when the believer. Faith faith denominations often when discussing some form of simple faith considers as part of the faith of deeds. This case is considered as an indicator of worship is impossible for the person to leave.
Terms of the faith is relevant in the Qur'an as follows:
"Believers! Trust in God; envoy, he hath confidence in the books ambassador to download the books and before. Who is God, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, if ignored would have fallen into a really deep perversion.
Believing at first, then ignore that, after believing again, and then again there are those who continue to ignore that or see; Allah will bring neither provided nor forgive the road like that. "(An-Nisa 4 / 136-137)
The ambassador is convinced been downloaded from the Lord himself. Believers too. Each Allah, His angels, His books, and believed the messenger. 'We make no distinction between his envoys' they say. They also say: "We hear and we bend the neck! Forgive us, O our Lord! Turn art!" (Al-Baqarah 2/285)
Faith in Judaism
As in every religion there are principles of faith in Judaism emunot name given to them in Hebrew. Judaism's creed (Credo), which are the 13 Emunot:
We believe that with our faith in the name of all his work is sacred creations of Yaradanımız. He created and will create.
We believe that with our faith in the name of all creation, which is one of our sacred, it is no one else and he will become our god.
We believe with our whole faith in the holy name is not a creation of our body and has no similarity to the body simply can not be depicted.
We believe with our whole faith in the name of our creation is eternal and sacred is no god except He.
We believe with our whole faith in the sacred name of Yaradanımız we must only pray to him to be someone else.
We believe with our whole faith is true all the words of the prophet is accepted by God.
We believe with our whole faith in God's mercy when we Moses the prophet of truth and the greatest of the prophets.
We believe with our whole faith in the eternity of the Torah that we have articulated, it is the same as given to Moses on Mount Sinai when God's mercy.
We believe with our whole faith in the Old Testament that we have not been changed and can never be changed.
We believe with our whole faith in the name of our people's sacred creation knows all the moves and ideas. As it is written in the Bible: "Every one who created the heart, is He who understands all their works"
We believe with all our faith in the future Messiah is descended from David. We expect the next day, despite the delay.
We believe with our whole faith in the holy name of our creation, reward for fulfilling the commandments and punishes those who have violated orders they do not repent.
We believe with our whole faith that our soul is immortal and divine creative dead at any time of our life will become.
Christianity Faith
According to the Catholic Church
According to the principles of faith in the Catholic Church is expressed in the following words:
"Faith that I: One God, everything can afford Father, sky and earth wound and his only son, our Lord Jesus Christ, taking the body through the Holy Spirit he was born of the virgin Mary, Pontus Pilate timely punishment pulled, cross and stretched died he buried Arafa (Limbos) in that third day, he resurrected from the dead, that ascend into the heavens, Father sufficient to everything power that sits right hand of God, I believe that judging the dead there come with living. in the presence of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Universal Church saint of unity, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen "
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