2 Mart 2016 Çarşamba


Jihad (Arabic: جهاد "jihad"), an Islamic term. Arabic for "struggle" comes from the root and the current Turkish mostly "İslamuğr to fight" used to mean.
In Arabic, the word jihad is derived from the root of the c-h-d. Cehd, "to strive," "use all his power," meaning, jihad, including weapons and wars in the traditional sense of "struggle" in the sense of Quranic verses it is also used an Arabic word.
According to Islam, jihad is carried out in four ways: the heart, the tongue, the hand with the sword. The first of these refers to the cleaning of the human heart by fighting with the devil. The second is the spread of Islam and the language. Third means to do the right thing for the people. The fourth means a physical fight with unbelievers and enemies of Islam.
Christians adopted the members of the monotheistic religions of Islam and the Jews have a special status in the jihad. They are either convert to Islam or Islamic rule (Sharia) by living their religion under the head tax (jizya) and earth must vergisiver. If they are declared jihad against these groups declined both options.
Contemporary jihad in Islam, especially the people with him to fight vurgulanır.dig nation, is only allowed on condition that the faith is at stake for the state and defense.
Jihad in the Qur'an
Some of the verses in the Qur'an that promote war or fight in Allah's way are:
"People of the Book of the, do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, and forbid not know is forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and those who acquire the rights of religious faith, the war up until the jizya with little thrown off their hands." (Surah Repentance, 29)
'' You should know, too, that if God and deserve the western leaving the day the two armies collided with the day Our servant download the ones you are believers meat, anything to Allah belongs one of the five that you take as booty, prophet, relatives, orphans, belongs to those left poor and on the road . '' (Surat al-Anfal: 41)
'Fitna fight them until there are no more and Allah's religion entirely. no doubt they cease, Allah will see what they are doing well. '' (Surat al-Anfal 39)
'' People in the way of the Lord with wisdom and fair admonition calls and the best way to fight yap.şüphesiz the LORD with them, his way slings best
Knower: that he is the right way knows best. '' (Surah an-Nahl, 125)
"O ye who believe! If you turn back from his religion from you, (know that) Allah will bring a people so instead of them, God loves them and they love God. They are humble towards the believers, they are strong and proud against the disbelievers. Allah's way jihad they are. (this way) is also not afraid of any condemnatory condemnation. this is a blessing from Allah. he gives it her wish. God, grace is vast, Knower. (Maida sura 54)
"God, you, not fought you about religion, without favor to anyone you also have to remove from your homes, they do not barred from dealing kindly and justly. Surely Allah loves those who equitable. (Al-mumtahina 8)
'O Prophet! Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. '' (Surat al-Tawbah, verse 73)
Those who left to come back to the Messenger of Allah, were glad to sit and stay. Did not like it the way of Allah with their wealth and their lives to jihad "It's hot out next time," they said. Say: "The fire of hell is hotter." I wish they had a deal. (Surat at-Tawbah, verse 81)
'Fight the Way of Allah and know that Allah heareth and right-Knower.' '(Surat al-Baqara, Verse 244)
'' Those who sit without having apology from the believers their wealth Cause of Allah with those who can not be equal. God, their wealth and their lives for the jihad that, per grade, made it superior to the rest of the jihad. Though God has promised to be the most beautiful all. But the Mujahideen with a great reward, from their very solid, with the rest from jihad has made outstanding forgiveness and mercy. Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. '(Surah Nisa, Verse 95)
'O ye who believe! The fear Allah and seek the means to approach him and make his path of jihad prosper. '' (Qur'an, verse 35)
'O Prophet! Strive hard against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be harsh with them. Hell will be their place. What is the worst place to reach in there! '' (Drive Qur'an, verse 9)
the Fiqh
Based on some tradition cihat by several legislators is divided into two parts; great jihad, jihad small. Great Jihad is defined as the closeness to the struggle against the evil embodied in the human self and worldly pleasures. The small jihad; Islam and the defense, the judge makes sense and actual war is a religious struggle.

On the other hand I ISID ISIS VS ARISING of the ADL is not the Cihat HIS BROTHERS AGREE WHETHER GOD ..

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